Man X the european Gay Adult TV


Nous vous informons que le portail est réservé à un public majeur averti. Il contient des textes, photos et vidéos classées X présentant des relations homosexuelles entre adultes consentants qui peuvent choquer la sensibilité de certaines personnes.En consultant à ces pages, je certifie avoir pris connaissance des conditions suivantes:

Je certifie être majeur.

Je m’engage à quitter immédiatement le site si des informations à caractères sexuel ou des images pornographiques me choquent ou si des lois ou réglementations dans mon pays de connexion m’interdisent d’accéder à de tels contenus.

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Warning !

The Man-X website is restricted to an adult audience.
The website contains content such as X-rated texts, images and videos showing homosexual relations between consenting adults, which may offend certain people.By entering this site I ( the visitor/ user) acknowledge that I have read and accepted the terms and conditions as set out below

I am 18+.

I will leave this site immediately if its explicit sexual character or pornographic images offend me in any way, or if any law or other regulations in my country of connection forbid me to access such contents.

I will not show any contents of this site to a minor or an unconsenting adult, and I will take any possible and necessary precautions to prevent a minor accessing this site via my pc.

I enter this site on my own personal account, not on account of a company or state organisation.

I will not enter this site with the intention to cause harm.

I acknowledge that in case of non-compliance with any of the above-mentioned conditions; I cannot hold the editor of this site accountable for any damages or consequences following the use of this site.
